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4: Surely a “Good” Dancer can dance to Any Music? 

Okay, but you have to ask yourself why you would want to.

If you are at a “social dance”, where there is music and a dance floor, the music could be anything at all and people will just smooch or disco or shuffle, in whatever way they find fits – typical example: the wedding party.

On the other hand, if you have specifically learned Ballroom Dancing, you will have been trained (or trained yourself) in the specific movements which have developed to suit the Ballroom set of dance rhythms.  Those movements work best at the right tempo, and don’t properly fit other rhythms.

So, if you are there to enjoy just a social occasion, you should not expect to use your Ballroom training... and if you want to exercise your dancing, you need to reserve that for where there is the right music.  That’s the difference between dancing at a social occasion and a Social Ballroom Dance.